Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Dos and Dont's of Writing Self Study Report for NCAAA Accreditation

Following are the few dos and donts to be considered while writing Self Study Report for Institutional or program accreditation. They are general but focus more Saudi Higher Education System.

1.       As per format of NCAAA.
a.       Familiar with SSRI and its requirements.
b.      The role of colleges and program in SSRI

2.       Respond to what is asked
a.       Read each section and underline what is required.
b.      Don’t provide or explain what is not asked.

3.       Is logical ( Statements are supported by evidence)
a.       Any claim/good practices/argument must be evidence based.
b.      There should be logical connection between write up and evidence.

4.       Consistent in Data:
a.       figures & numbers are repeated in different sections. They must be the same in all sections.
b.      Better assign data accuracy to a committee and each committee for SSR should consult that committee for data.
5.       Consistent in format, argument and claims.
a.       Each committee must be provided with formatting guidelines like the one in research paper submission.
b.      Reference to evidence must be consistent throughout.

6.       Contains full picture of the program/institution.
a.       While reading SSR, it should provide a complete picture of the institute.

7.       Do get evidence singed by the source.
a.       Keep a file of evidence and get each evidence signed by the provider.
b.      If email, print and keep it in the same file. It is not for NCAAA but for your reference.

8.       Your write up must match your web contents.
a.       Consistent data of website and SSRI
9.       Don’t put too many evidences.
a.       For each standard, decide what is KEY evidence and what is general evidence.
b.      List all KEY evidence and see how many are available

10.   Don’t combine the write up without reading.
a.       There should be coordination committee to combine the write up of each committee.

b.      Each member of Coordination committee must read and see if the write up is consistent.

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